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Monday, May 07, 2007

Welcome! Couple tips for using DotBlu

Welcome to BluBet! In case you forget, your login information is below.

But first, here are a couple quick tips for exploring BluBet...

1. Participate in as many existing BluBets as possible. To start, we have
rewarded you with 30,000 BluBucks. You are now on your way to becoming a

2. Create BluBets and invite your friends to participate. More participants
will increase the visibility of your BluBet. Also, set a reasonable ante for
the BluBet (500-1,000 BluBucks).

Here is your login info - keep this email around for reference!

Username: tshwana.shwana
Password: The password you chose during registration.

To invite more friends to play your BluBets, simply forward them this link:


We hope you enjoy BluBet!


The BluBetters

This email is never sent unsolicited. If you believe you
have received this in error, please contact us at:
05/07/08 post date

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Photobucket - Shwana wanted you to check out this video


trying jokes by video I wanted to share something on Photobucket with you!


If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser:

Bix:shwana invites you to view

Personal message from "shwana":
I found this person on Bix.com. Help them grow their fan base by becoming a fan yourself!
Bix user:
"shwana"'s profile link:
PS Bix gives everyone the chance to be a star. That's because YOU decide who the stars of tomorrow will be!
PPS If you feel you have received this email in error, please contact Bix at mailto:unsubscribe@bix.yahoo.com


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Tuesday, May 01, 2007